Lookup Tariff Codes

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Environments and Testing


You, as an integrating partner, are expected to maintain your own development, test and production environments from which to call the corresponding NZ Post Group environment and to follow the software development lifecycle.

Environment Detail

NZ Post Group User Acceptance Test (UAT) EnvironmentThis environment is available for integration to test customer’s solutions to ensure that calls to the API’s are technically correct and that the responses received are handled as they expect. This environment is available for system, integration and user acceptance testing.https://api.uat.nzpost.co.nz/lookup-tariff-codes/v1/
Production EnvironmentThis environment is for live use and is only available to integrators upon completion of the go-live checklist.https://api.nzpost.co.nz/lookup-tariff-codes/v1/

Testing Your Application

NZ Post Group is committed to making integration to its products easy and robust and are available to support your development and testing.

As with any development, NZ Post Group encourages you to test your application with both positive and negative scenarios. The following list of test cases has been provided for your convenience but it is not intended to be comprehensive. Some test cases may not apply to your use of the API. Please extend with test cases specific to your business.

Suggested Test CasesExpected Result
Classify Single item6 digit or country-specific 8+ digit HS codes will be returned for single item.
Classify Multiple items6 digit or country-specific 8+ digit HS codes will be returned for multiple items.
Classify Alternatives for single/multiple items6 digit or country-specific 8+ digit HS codes up to five alternatives will be returned along with confidence scores and probabilityMass.
Validate and ClassifyThis feature will validate the provided HS code, then classify the request. It also provides the correct HS code option in case of an invalid response.
Check coherency and ClassifyThis feature will check the coherency of the provided HS code, then classify the request. It provides the correct HS code option in case of an invalid response.
Validate onlyThis feature will verify HS code validity against the current [WCO tariff schedule][1].
RetrieveClassificationsThis feature will retrieve historical quotes for pre-classified items.
Lookup tariff codes for PreCom End pointThis feature is for EAD PreCom portal requirements only. This endpoint returns HS codes which are either 6 or 10 digits, based on the supplied country code.

Explore Postman Collection

Explore Classify

Explore Lookup Tariff Codes For EAD PreCom Portal User
